Evénement partenaire – 24 octobre 2023, Berne « Swiss Cyber Storm Conference »


Le Clusis sera à nouveau présent lors de la conférence des Swiss Cyber Storm à Berne le 24 octobre prochain !

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Swiss Cyber Storm est une conférence internationale sur la sécurité informatique dans le domaine des cyberattaques et de la cyberdéfense.

Swiss Cyber Storm celebrates its tenth edition in 2023 with the conference theme “The Human Factor”

This year, Swiss Cyber Storm celebrate its anniversary: On October 24 in the Kursaal Bern, the tenth edition of the Swiss Cyber Storm conference will take place since the founding of the independent supporting association. The first conference of this name was held in Rapperswil back in 2010, but at that time still under the umbrella of Compass Security.

The first independent Swiss Cyber Storm took place on June 13, 2013, at the KKL in Lucerne. As no conference was possible in the pandemic year 2020, the Swiss Cyber Storm association is now celebrating the jubilee year in its eleventh year of existence. To mark the anniversary and as a thank you for the loyalty of visitors, we have come up with a number of activities to benefit the community. We will announce more details in the months and weeks leading up to the conference.

With “The Human Factor”, a motto has been chosen for this year that underlines the central role of people in the fabric of IT security. But are people really the weakest link in the security chain, as is often claimed? Can user training really improve security in companies? How can organizations create awareness of threats without everything coming to a standstill afterwards? Is increased security awareness desirable at all, or rather sand in the gears? What would IT systems have to look like to be “secure by default”? At this year’s Swiss Cyber Storm, these and other IT security topics will be presented and discussed.

Learning from the specialists

Once again, this year, visitors can expect to meet a large number of national and international security specialists:

  • Joseph Da Silva explores the role and identity of security officers in large organizations. In an original approach, he describes CISOs as possessing a mystical knowledge that enables them to deal with obscure threats that members of senior management do not understand. A very refreshing keynote that offers some explanations of corporate policy.
  • Joe Slowik is an expert in threat analysis and detection. He will talk about the convergence of tools and methods used by cybercriminals and state-sponsored actors, and how this complicates incident response and perpetrator attribution.
  • Cristina Lekati uses her background in psychology to talk about spear phishing attacks on high-level stakeholders and how strict rules alone do not provide effective protection.
  • Myriam Dunn Cavelty will speak about her core expertise: Cyber policy and Switzerland’s position in the international context. One topic is possibly the new Swiss Cyber Command.
  • Edzo Botjes uses Nassim Taleb’s concept of antifragility in the context of organizational design and how it might be applied in cloud architecture.

Additional speakers and the full conference program will be announced at a later date.


le clusis